I've put out about 40 applications.
I've come to realize more and more lately, that I am way too involved in this. Now, that may not make sense... but if you look at the first two sentences I wrote, pay attention to who is doing the searching.
Let me explain...
So two weeks ago, I got a phone call and an email from Verizon wanting to do an interview. I waited a day to respond just to pray about it and think about it some more. Leney and I decided that I should just go through with it since I have nothing else to do right now. It's not the ideal job, but it's a job.
That same day we decided to go through with it, a random guy walked up to me and told me God wants me to stop worrying about getting a job. I don't know if all of you believe in that kind of thing. But that stuff still happens and it's biblical.
I've never experienced that before.
That's kind of frustrating really, I am so ready to start working again, but God had something else in mind. I took that as, if I were already planning on doing the will of the Lord, why would He say anything? God spoke so clearly.
Yesterday at the college church group that I go to, during worship God broke me down. The second song, physically sat me in my chair. I have never felt physically pushed by God before.
The first verse goes:
"I can't comprehend your infinitely beautiful and perfect love.
Oh I've dreamed dreams of majesty as brilliant as a billion stars,
But they're never bright enough after all."
The first line reminds me that God loves me and is in control, but I can't always understand it.
The second two lines, really just kind of punched me in the face.
I have spent so much time, trying to do these huge awesome things. Clearly it is all in vain, because the big, majestic things I seek aren't nearly as big and majestic as God's plans for me.
During worship, two bible verses came to mind, and I looked them up.
Deuteronomy 8 talks about not forgetting the Lord. The latter part of it talks about remembering that we only have what we have because God has given it to us. I can't get a job on my own. God has to provide it. I can't get it on my own strength, God can.
James 1:27
"Religion that God the Father accepts as pure and faultless is this;
to look after orphans and widows in distress and to keep
oneself from being polluted by the world."
That verse says two things. The first is that God's desire is that He wants us to follow Him by serving the hurting, innocent, poor, broken and lost. The second part is to keep ourselves pure and out of the world. We shouldn't waste time seeking after things of this world, rather seek after Him and to care after the hurting, innocent, poor, broken and lost.
I know big things are coming. The verse from James is something that God has always placed on my heart. Even when I volunteer at Social Services, my heart breaks for the single moms taking care of their kids and how they can't even feed them.
My heart breaks for the broken. I know that's where God is leading me, I just need to pay attention and find my strength, confidence, and hope in the Lord.
ahh this is so awesome. and encouraging for me because I'm in a similar situation.